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Privacy Policy
Last Updated: June 14th, 2024




Your privacy is important to us at Tavern Research (“Tavern Research,” “we,” “us,” or “our”), and we are committed to safeguarding, preserving, and respecting your privacy rights. This online privacy Policy (the “Policy”) describes how we collect, use, disclose, and secure the personal information we gather about you through our website, (the “Site”), or otherwise, including when you interact with us (collectively, the “Services”).


For purposes of this Policy, personal information means data that classifies as personal information, personal data, personally identifiable information, or similar terms under applicable data privacy and security laws and regulations. It does not include data excluded or exempted from those laws and regulations, such as aggregated, anonymized, or deidentified data. Nothing in this Policy will constitute an admission or evidence that any particular data privacy or information security law or regulation applies to Tavern Research generally or in any specific context.


Our Services are used at times by third parties in connection with the services they provide. This Policy does not apply to how those third parties may collect and process personal information, and you should consult their applicable privacy policy and terms.



1. You Consent to This Policy


You should read this Policy carefully, so that you understand our privacy practices. By accessing, browsing, downloading, or otherwise using the Services, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed with this Policy. If you do not agree to this Policy, you may not use the Services.


This Policy applies regardless of how the Services are accessed and will cover any technologies or devices by which we make the Services available to you.


We may provide you with additional privacy notices where we believe it is appropriate to do so. It is important that you read this Policy together with any other privacy notice or terms we may provide on specific occasions, so that you are fully aware of how and why we are using your data. This Policy supplements these other notices and is not intended to override them.


If you have any questions or concerns about our personal information policies or practices, you can contact us in the methods described in the “Contact Us” section below.



2. Types of Information We Collect

We collect information you voluntarily provide directly to us, information that we collect automatically when you interact with the Services, and information collected from third parties. The categories of personal information that we collect and the purposes for which we collect that information are described below.



    (a) Categories of Personal Information We Collect


The following list describes the categories of personal information we collect.


  • Analytics Information. We collect certain analytics information automatically as you navigate our Services. This includes cookies, tracking pixels, tags or similar tools, which may collect information about your browser, device, geolocation, and interactions with the Services, Site, or emails. For more information, please view the “How We Use “Cookies” and Other Tracking Technologies” section below.

  • Information You Provide includes name, email address, phone number, mailing address, or other information you provide to us. We collect this information when you provide it directly to us such as signing up for newsletters, requesting information about Tavern Research, or in connection with your use of the Services.

  • Publicly Available Information includes information available from public sources.

  • Responses to Surveys and Questionnaires includes information you provide to us when you respond to marketing materials, promotions, contests, or other surveys. We collect this information for the purposes of advertising and marketing, analytics and research, and customer service.

  • Social Media Information includes information that you post by sharing on a blog or another social media platform. We collect this information when you provide it directly to us. Please note that your comments will be visible to the public, so you should never share personal information that you would like to keep private.


    (b) Other Ways We May Collect, Use, or Share the Information

We may also reserve the right to collect, use, or share personal information for the following purposes:


  • To Provide the Services. We will use your personal information to provide the Services, including to improve operations and offerings, and for security purposes.

  • To Present the Site. We will use personal information to present our Site and its contents in a suitable and effective manner for you and your device.

  • Improving Our Services. We use your information to improve our Services, which may include processing the information as part of machine learning and artificial intelligence developments. Google Workspace APIs are not used to train generalized AI and/or ML models.

  • Provide Information and Opportunities. We may use your personal information to advertise promotions, campaigns, events, elections, or Services that we think may be of interest to you. We do not use any user data accessed via Google APIs to create advertising profiles or for any advertising purposes. Consistent with Google API Services User Data Policy, we do not sell or otherwise make Google user data available to third parties.


  • For Legal Purposes. We reserve the right to cooperate with local, provincial, state, federal and international officials in any investigation requiring either personal information or reports about lawful or unlawful user activity on this site. We also reserve the right to share your personal information to establish, exercise, or defend our legal and property rights, including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention. We may also share your personal information with any person who we reasonably believe may apply to a court or other competent authority for disclosure of that personal information where, in our reasonable opinion, such court or authority would be reasonably likely to order disclosure of that personal information.

    If we are ordered by a legal process or government to provide data about one or more individual users, we will notify those users of our compliance with that order, to the extent permitted by law.

  • Business Transactions or Mergers. We reserve the right to share your personal information to third parties as part of any potential business or asset sale, merger, acquisition, investment, round of funding, or similar type of transaction. Additionally, if we are entering into a corporate transaction with a third party, we may receive personal information in connection with the diligence. If we close a transaction, the third party may transfer personal information, which we would use as described in this Policy.

  • Bankruptcy or Insolvency. In the event of bankruptcy, insolvency, or dissolution proceedings, we may share your personal information with third parties as part of the sale or reorganization process.

  • Service Providers. We use service providers to perform various functions on our behalf. Such service providers will be under contractual obligations to safeguard your personal information and only process it in accordance with our instructions, or as otherwise permitted by applicable laws. We may also receive personal information from service providers. For clarity, we never sell Google user data or share it with third parties for their own advertising, creditworthiness determinations, or similar commercial purposes. Any sharing is solely to provide and improve the Services on our behalf.


3. How We Use “Cookies” and Other Tracking Technologies 

We may send one or more cookies to your computer or other device.  We may also use other similar technologies such as tracking pixels, tags, or similar tools when you visit our Services.  These technologies can collect data regarding your operating system, browser type, device type, screen resolution, IP address, and other technical information, as well as navigation events and session information as you interact with our Services.  This information allows us to understand how you use the Services.



    (a) Cookies

Cookies are small files created by websites, including our Services, that reside on your computer’s hard drive and that store information about your use of a particular website.  When you access our Services, we use cookies and other tracking technologies to:


  • Estimate our audience size and usage patterns;

  • Store information about your preferences, allowing us to customize our Services according to your individual needs;

  • Contact you to provide you with information or services that you request from us;

  • Advertise new content, events, and services that relate to your interests;

  • Provide you with more personalized content that is most relevant to your interest areas; and

  • Recognize when you return to our Services.

We set some cookies ourselves and others are set by third parties.  You can manage your cookies preference as described in the “Managing Your Cookies” section below.


    (b) Types of Cookies and Their Functions



We do not use analytical tools in a manner that discloses to third parties that a specific person viewed specific video materials.



    (c) Cookie Retention Period

Some cookies operate from the time you visit the Services until the end of that particular browsing session.  These cookies, which are called “session cookies,” expire and are automatically deleted when you close your Internet browser.


Some cookies will stay on your device between browsing sessions and will not expire or automatically delete when you close your Internet browser.  These cookies are called “persistent cookies” and the length of time they will remain on your device will vary from cookie to cookie. Persistent cookies are used for a number of purposes, such as storing your preferences so that they are available for your next visit and to keep a more accurate account of how often you visit the Services, how your use of the Services may change over time, and the effectiveness of advertising efforts.



    (d) Managing Your Cookies

It may be possible to block cookies by changing your Internet browser settings to refuse all or some cookies. If you choose to block all cookies (including essential cookies), you may not be able to access all or parts of the Services.


You can find out more about cookies and how to manage them by visiting



    (e) Site Response to “Do Not Track” Signals

At this time, our Site does not respond differently based on a user’s Do Not Track signal.



4. Advertising and Marketing Choices

We respect your rights in how your personal information is used and shared. We may communicate with you via email, telephone, postal mail, and/or your mobile device about our products and services. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future marketing emails, you can email us at or follow the instructions at the bottom of each applicable email, and we will promptly remove you from those marketing correspondences that you choose to no longer receive. Please note, however, that we may still need to contact you regarding other matters.



5. How Long Your Personal Information Is Kept

We will retain your personal information until the personal information is no longer necessary to accomplish the purpose for which it was provided. We may retain your personal information for longer periods for specific purposes to the extent that we are obliged to do so in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, to protect you, other people, and us from fraud, abuse, an unauthorized access, as necessary to protect our legal rights, or for certain business requirements. We will retain Google user data accessed through the APIs only for as long as necessary to provide and improve the Services.


We will delete your personal information when it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, or upon your request, subject to exceptions as discussed in this Policy or under applicable law, contract, or regulation.



6. Our Commitment to Data Security

The security of your personal information is important to us. We take various reasonable organizational, administrative, and technical measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. If required by law to do so, we will notify you and/or the relevant supervisory authority in the event of a data breach.

We employ industry-standard security measures, such as encryption in transit and at rest, to protect Google user data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. Access to Google user data is limited to authorized employees and contractors subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations.


However, we cannot and do not guarantee complete security, as it does not exist on the Internet.



7. Where Your Personal Information Is Held

We process personal information on our servers in the United States of America, and may do so in other countries. If you use our Services or otherwise provide us with information from outside of the United States, you expressly consent to the transfer of your data to the United States, the processing of your data in the United States, and the storage of your data in the United States.



8. Third Party Links

Our Services may contain links to third-party websites.  When we provide links, we do so only as a convenience and we are not responsible for any content of any third-party website or any links contained within. It is important to note that this Policy only applies to our Services.  We are not responsible and assume no responsibility for any personal information collected, stored, or used by any third party as a result of you visiting third-party websites.  We also advise that you carefully read the privacy notice of any third-party websites you choose to visit.


9. Children’s Privacy

Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. Our Services are not intended for children under 13 years of age, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. In the event that we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13 without verification or parental consent, we will immediately delete that information. If you believe that we might have any information from or about a child under 13, please contact us using the information provided in the “Contact Us” section below.


10. Policy Changes

This Policy may change from time to time. If we need to change this Policy at some point in the future, we will post any changes on this page. If we make a significant or material change to this Policy we will notify you via email. You should check these terms when you use the Site. Your continued use of the Services constitutes acceptance of the most current version of this Policy.


If we make material changes to how we collect, use, or share Google user data, we will notify you through prominent in-app notifications in addition to updating this Privacy Policy.



Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at

Types of Cookies - Essential cookies are required for operation of the Services and Enable you to move around the Services and use its features. Disabling these cookies can negatively impact the performance of Services.
Types of Cookies - Analytics, Performance, and Research: These cookies, beacons, and pixels allow us to analyze activities on the Services. Social Networking: These cookies are used to enable you to share pages and content that you find interesting on our Services through third-party social networking and other websites. Advertising: These cookies and pixels are used to deliver relevant ads, track ad campaign performance, or tack email marketing.
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